Our ConstitutionOur constitution embodies who we are as a club: our history, our values, and our goals. It serves as a code of conduct, and is the guide for everything we do as a club.
The constitution, like our club, is not static, and has evolved over time, following due process. However, our club and our constitution continue to represent who we are and who we aspire to be. |
Article 1: Name
1.1 The name of this association shall be BEACONSFIELD RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB.
1.2 The address of this association shall be: 1974 City Lane, Beaconsfield, Québec, H9W 4A7 |
Article 2: Objectives
2.1 The objectives of the association shall be:
a) to encourage and promote the amateur sport of Rugby Football in Beaconsfield and its immediate environs, the total territory to be decided upon by the Lac St. Louis Regional Rugby Association. b) to conduct competitions in Rugby Football. c) to develop and train resource personnel for Rugby Football in accordance with Provincial regulations. d) to raise any and all funds necessary for the proper functioning of the association. |
Article 3: Affiliation
3.1 The club shall be associated with the Fédération de Rugby du Québec through the Lac St. Louis Regional Rugby Association.
Article 4: Seal
4.1 The official seal of the organization shall be that which is attached to the original copy of this document.
Article 5:
Abandonment of the Charter |
5.1 Should the members decide to abandon this charter, after having followed the procedures elaborated within these statutes, the assets of the organization shall be held in trust by the Recreation Department of La Ville de Beaconsfield for a period of 18 months.
If, after said delay, the Rugby Club has not been reformed the assets will be given to the Fédération de Rugby du Québec for the development of their Junior rugby program. |
Article 6:
Membership |
6.1 Full Members
6.1:1 Such members shall be: a) active players who have reached the age of 18 years. b) parents of active players who have not reached the age of 18 years. c) coaches affiliated through the club with the F.R.Q. d) officials affiliated through the club with the F.R.Q. e) members of the executive committee. 6.1:2 Such members shall agree to obey all rules and regulations of the club, as they presently exist or as they are amended at future general meetings. 6.1:3 Such members shall have the right to serve on the executive of the club, and to vote on matters brought before the general assembly. They shall also have the right to address the general assembly on all matters on the agenda. 6.2 Associate Members 6.2:1 Such members shall be: a) active players who have not yet reached the age of 18 years. 6.2:2 Such members shall agree to obey all rules and regulations of the club, as they presently exist or as they are amended at future general meetings. 6.2:3 Such members shall have no right to address the general assembly on any matters on the agenda, nor may they vote on any matters, nor may they serve in any capacity on the executive of the club. 6.3 Honourary Members 6.3:1 Such members shall be named from time to time by the executive of the club; and shall subsequently be ratified at the next general assembly; for services rendered towards the objectives of the association. 6.3:2 Such members shall have no rights nor responsibilities. 6.3:3 The executive may, from time to time, vote to make some appropriate gesture of recognition to these members. 6.4 Resignation 6.4:1 A member may at any time resign their membership from the club. To do so they must send a letter stating his intention to do so to the address of the club. Such does not come into affect until such time as the Executive Committee of the club accepts the resignation. 6.4:2 Resignation of one's membership in no way discharges the obligation of the member to meet all financial obligations to the club prior to the acceptance of the resignation by the Executive Committee of the club. 6.5 Expulsion 6.5:1 The Executive Committee may at any time expel a member for any gross breach of conduct seen to be totally contrary to the aims and objectives of the club as expressed in these statutes. 6.5:2 Notice of such expulsions are to be sent by registered mail to the last known address of the member, and the expulsion comes into effect upon receipt of the notice. 6.6 Suspension 6.6:1 The Executive Committee may from time to time suspend a member if evidence indicates that he has conducted himself in such a way as to bring into disrepute the club or its members; or behaved in a manner considered to be contrary to the aims and objectives of the club as expressed in these statutes. 6.6:2 Upon suspension, notice will be sent by registered mail to the last known address of the member advising him of the action and requesting him to appear for a hearing before the Executive Committee in order to clear up the matter. After said hearing the Executive Committee may expel the member, extend the suspension for a finite time period or re- instate the member. |
Article 7:
Administration |
7.1 Executive Committee
7.1:1 The club shall be administered by an Executive Committee of 6 (six) members of the association. 7.1:2 The Executive Committee shall consist of a President; a Vice-President; a Secretary/Treasurer; 2 (two) Directors at large; and a Director of Women's Rugby. 7.1:3 The Executive Committee shall also include the immediate past President in an advisory, non-voting capacity. 7.1:4 Term of Office 7.1:4.1 With the exception of the immediate past President, the Executive Committee shall be elected each year at the Club's Annual General Meeting; and shall serve for a term of 1 (one) year. 7.1:4.2 The Director of Women's Rugby shall be elected by the women, and only the women, present at the A.G.M. 7.1:5 The Executive Committee may from time to time appoint other members to serve in various capacities within the club. They may be paid officials. 7.1:6 Vacancies on the Executive Committee shall be filled by a member of the club, elected by a majority of the remaining members of the Executive Committee. He shall serve for the remainder of the current term. 7.1:7 The quorum for any Executive Committee meeting shall be 3 (three) and vote shall be by simple majority. 7.2 Functions and Responsibilities 7.2:1 Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall be responsible for pursuing the objectives of the club, for maintenance of a sound financial position and for ensuring that the functions associated with the activities of the club are fulfilled by members of the Executive Committee and by the appointment of individuals and committees to perform said functions. 7.2:2 Officers 7.2:2.1 President: The President shall preside over all meetings of the club and of the Executive Committee. He shall ensure that all members of the Executive Committee and all holders of Executive Committee appointed positions are performing their respective functions. 7.2:2.2 Vice-President: In the absence of the President he shall assume the responsibilities of the President. 7.2:2.3 Secretary/Treasurer: He shall keep an accurate record and Minutes of all meetings. He shall, upon order of the President, give notice of and arrange the agenda for all meetings. He shall keep all records of the club and shall produce all such records at any time at the request of the Executive Committee as a whole or of any individual member of the Executive Committee. He shall receive and act promptly on all correspondence of the club. He shall have charge of all funds of the club and its account books. He shall receive all moneys to the credit of the club and shall deposit all moneys in a chartered bank in the name of the club. He shall produce the deposit and receipt books when requested (which shall be properly balanced) at all meetings. He shall prepare an annual financial report of the club to be presented to the Executive Committee and subsequently at the Annual General Meeting. He shall perform all other tasks and functions which may from time to time be attributed to him by the Executive Committee. 7.2:2.4 Directors: Shall have no specifically assigned functions and responsibilities, but shall work towards the objectives of the club as stated in these statutes in any manner deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee. 7.2:2.5 Director of Women's Rugby: Shall be responsible for the development and proper functioning of women's rugby within the club; as well as representing the club on women's matters before the city, the region, the F.R.Q., etc. 7.3 Annual General Meeting 7.3:1 The A.G.M. (Annual General Meeting) shall be held within 90 (ninety) days of the end of the fiscal year. 7.3:2 Notice of said meeting must be published at least 10 (ten) days prior to the date of the meeting. The notice shall mention the date, hour, place and Order of Business for the meeting and shall include the positions available for election to the Executive Committee. 7.3:3 The Order of Business shall be: 1) Presentation of Credentials 2) Roll call 3) Minutes of previous A.G.M. 4) Business arising out of minutes 5) President's Address 6) Financial Report 7) Auditor's Statement 8) Reports of Officers 9) Unfinished business 10) Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws 11) Election and Installation of New Executive Committee 12) Appointment of Auditors 13) New business 14) Adjournment 7.3:4 The quorum for the A.G.M. shall be 8 (eight) members or 10% (ten percent) of the membership, whichever is greater. In the event that a quorum is not attained, another meeting shall be called, giving due notice in accordance with article 7.3:2 and shall be considered legal even though the above mentioned quorum is not attained. 7.3:5 Voting at the A.G.M. shall be by simple majority of the voting members present, except in the case of amendments to the constitution and bylaws, where a 2/3 (two thirds) majority is required. 7.4 Special General Meetings 7.4:1 A special general meeting shall be called by the President at the request of the majority of the Executive Committee or of 25% (twenty-five percent) of the membership. Such a meeting shall be held within 30 (thirty) days of said request. 7.4:2 Notice of such a meeting must be done in accordance with the requirements of article. 7.3:2. In addition, the meeting notice must mention precisely the business to be transacted therein. The special general meeting shall not transact any other business than that specifically mentioned in the notice of the meeting. 7.4:3 The quorum for a special general meeting shall be a majority of the membership. 7.4:4 Voting at a special general meeting shall be by simple majority of the voting members present, except in the case of amendments to the constitution and bylaws, where a 2/3 (two thirds) majority is required. 7.5 Voting Rights 7.5:1 All full members of the association shall be entitled to 1 (one) vote at every general meeting of the club. The only exception to this will be that which is noted in sections 7.1:4.2 and 7.7:2. In the event of a tie, the President shall cast a second and deciding vote. 7.5:2 Voting by proxy shall not be permitted. 7.5:3 Voting will be conducted by a simple show of hands unless a secret ballot is requested. Elections and amendments to the constitution shall always be done by secret ballot. 7.6 Conduct of Meetings 7.6:1 Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts' Rules of Order. 7.7 Elections 7.7:1 Elections shall be conducted annually at the A.G.M. All members of the Executive shall stand down and the chair shall be taken by the President of the Elections, as nominated by a majority of the voting members present. Where two or more members present are proposed for the same position, a vote shall be taken in accordance with article 7.5. 7.7:2 Elections for the position of Director of Women's Rugby will be conducted in the same manner as all other elections to the executive with the exception that only the women present at the A.G.M. shall be entitled to cast ballots for this position. |
Article 8:
Fiscal Administration |
8.1 Signing Officers
8.1:1 The signing officers of the club shall be the President, the Secretary/Treasurer and 1 (one) of the Directors. 8.1:2 The signatures of at least 2 (two) of these officers shall be required on any cheque or other financial arrangement. 8.2 Fiscal Year 8.2:1 The fiscal year of the club shall be from November 16th to November 15th. 8.3 Auditors 8.3:1 The auditors shall be appointed annually to audit the books of the club. Said appointment shall take place at the A.G.M. each year. |
Article 9:
Amendments to the Constitution |
9.1 No amendments to the constitution for this club shall be made except at the A.G.M. of the club or at a special general meeting called for the specific purpose of amending the constitution.
9.2 Only the Executive and voting members of the club shall be permitted to propose amendments to the constitution. 9.3 Proposed amendments to the constitution shall be sent to the address of the club at least 21 (twenty-one) days prior to the date set for the meeting. Copies shall be available to all members, upon request, not later than 10 (ten) days before the meeting. 9.4 A 2/3 (two thirds) majority of the voting members present shall be required to pass any amendments to the constitution. |